Originally published at
Rachel Maloney. Please leave any
comments there.
So I just finished 3 hours of research at the library. I’ve actually taken to our library a bit these past few semesters. Last night, after I got off from work, instead of coming home I went to the library to read a nice short love story. It was relaxing and fun. I’ve missed being introverted. Anyway, I tonight finally got to work on the paper that will make or break my degree, and ended up submitting 8 interlibrary loan requests. I said that I liked our library, not the selection.
LiveJournal is really fun. I joined this Idealist posting group thingy, and there are a bunch of people who kind-of-not-really know what they’re talking about personality-wise. Of course, I’m taking it upon myself to educate them in the matters of Keirsey over Myers-Briggs. Yes, I’m a nerd.
Really, the best feature of LiveJournal is the ability to censor entries from specific people - the ability to give and receieve comments coming in a close second. It really makes the whole process of online journaling a bit more tidy, and allows for almost the complete elimination of messy online “incidents.” Actually, it was an online “incident” that finally served to provoke me to start a LiveJournal. It was a pretty painful experience to be attacked over something that I wrote because I was so desperately sad. As much as I love him, I still don’t get the logic. If someone you care about is upset enough to feel things that are so obviously wrong, then the goal should be to eliminate the cause of the feelings, not to accuse her of being wrong. In any case, the situation was, (and still is, I suppose) a grand miscommunication (didn’t think it was possible for the communication queen to flub up, did ya?); the fact that he discovered it online before he recieved my personal e-mail certainly didn’t help things any, but what can you do? This was a forum for my heart’s musings and my life stories - no matter how silly, or stupid, or sad, or wrong they may be.
Fortunately, with the creation of my LiveJournal I am free to pour out my heart specifically to the people in my life who care enough to listen with an open ear. And so I embark into a new age for myself, packing up my life at CNU, repositioning my friendships, learning to start on a paper more than two weeks before it’s due.
One thing I’m really excited about for this summer is all the free time (theoretically) I’ll have. I’ve already started putting feelers out for help in compiling a heafty list of books to read. I’m excited about reading on the beach, working at the store, and relaxing.
Another exciting thing, I was at work the other day talking about my online journal, and my newest manager, iNFj Phil, was like, “you have an online journal?” So now he’s said he’s going to read it, and I’m excited that he’ll get to see me in a different light than the one I wear at work. He’s really starting to rub me the right way - it’s no coincidence that my best friend is (mostly) an iNFj - and I’m excited about the possibility of having another friend. Anyway, if he reads this like he says he’s going to, then he’ll get to see that I’m excited he is going to read it, which is even better. (Ok that didn’t really make sense. Anyway) So, the prospect of a fresh audience has prompted me to introspect (as do most things in life) and look back to what I consider were really good entries that I’ve had in this blog. Which, in turn, prompted the creation of the
Rachel’s Blog Top Ten List. In chronological order:
March 7, 2002: Adventures in Haircutting 2.
March 19, 2002: The Infamous Gas Dilemma (co-starring Brit and Chad) 3.
July 22, 2002: Thoughtful Introspection Time: Good Imoods 4.
October 27, 2002: Entry From An Acting Journal 5.
November 1, 2002: The Halloween Affair 6.
December 9, 2002: Just Another Day Without You 7.
December 20, 2002: The End, Part 1 8.
January 16, 2003: Everyday A Little Death 9.
February 12, 2003: Valentine’s Day Manifesto 10.
March 23, 2003: One Last Cry Wow. Doing that reminded me of all the comments I’ve gotten from people telling me what a good writer I am. I wonder what makes that true? I mean, to tell a good story your audience must first be rooting for the main character. Does that mean that I’ve successfully painted myself in an endearing light?? Perhaps I’ve documented experiences that people can relate to, given them a peak at how crazy it is to be a Rachel Maloney in the world today, given them a means to feel better about their own lives in comparison (joking. well, half joking). Regardless, blogging has come to be something of a joy to me - as it is a joy to share my life with others. I don’t know exactly where I was going with that, but I’m glad I said it
Next stop: Fairfax, VA.
Happy Almost-April Everyone!