Feb 05, 2006 12:04
had an alright weekend..some shit went pretty wrong, but some went pretty right! i took a weekend off from studying for my LSAT thanks to a nervous breakdown b/c i've pretty much been studying 4 hours a day with just that..so i couldn't take it anymore..but monday it's back to the grind. i've also been working out 7 days a week..i started..hmm..two weeks ago. thats been helping my stress..and well, i think i look a little better. i bought new nike shocs to help with the whole blister thing b/c seriously when i first started i had like eight of 'em. i started playing raquetball this week..that is ONE hell of a work out. i usually do treadmill and then that, so i pretty much want to die after all that. lol my sorority stuff has been piling up. i got the "talk" saturday. well we all did, but i totally felt eyes burning on me..lol about wearing make-up..going to class with perfect hair and cute clothes..i totally understand and i don't want to be bitter...BUT seems like certain majors..(cough, cough elementary education cough) have wayyy more time to get all fancy before class..sometimes because i'm one of the few with a serious major, i feel like the others just don't understand..i mean, if you are an education major for something serious then okay..but kindergarten..leave me alone! I mentioned to some of the sisters that i thought we should have the career services people come in and talk to the new girls every year about choosing majors, so that they would know you don't just have to teach kindergarten like every other AOPI, but that got shot down..i even said it nicely, like.."hey, ya'll maybe the freshmen would like to know about the different majors here so they can choose something they like" and they pretty much said, "but why would they choose something other than education?" so whatever i guess...but back to the point, i guess, i'm goign to have to get up at the ass crack of dawn and make sure my hair is curled with that extra bounce..and make sure my eye liner looks to perfection..and that i'm wearing my cutest jeans..at least, i got props for working out everyday..they said i was setting a good example. we don't have chapter today because of the super bowl and i am so excited..that means one uninteruppted day of studying..this is a rare occurence..
oh yeah, thursday i went to see tristan and isolde..i don't know if any of you are familiar with the myth..but it was really good..didn't follow the myth exactly, but just a great story..especially for girls if you want a knight/princess love story that will make you bawl..