Nov 17, 2011 08:44

Name: Liana
Journal: lunais_cross
Contact: lirance @ AIM

Character Name: Terezi Pyrope
Series: Homestuck
Gender: female
Age & Canon Point: 6 sweeps (equivalent to 13 years), End of Act 5: Cascade
Requested Sponsor: Lapis Lazuli
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
History: [wiki link]
Garden History: N/A
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Terezi has grey skin and candy corn horns. She is also completely blind, her eyes having been burned out by Vriska by being forced to stare at the Alternian sun for too long. She was taught to smell and taste colors by her lusus, a sightless dragon that remains blind until it reaches maturity. She is at the top of her echeladder and has gained all the Sgrub levels available to her, and her strife specibus (her weapon of choice), is Canekind. Canekind is a flexible specibus; she has been shown to use weapons that look like nunchaku, and most recently in the comic, she uses a cane sword. As a Seer of Mind, she can view all potential off-shoot timelines with her powers (this shouldn't come up in-game, and in the off-chance it does, I will of course clear it with everyone involved in the thread).

Personality: Terezi is the trollingest troll who ever trolled.

Okay, that's only mostly true, but she definitely is one of the most successful of the Alternians when it comes to messing around with the kids (and other trolls, for that matter). She's great at getting into people's heads and finding out what pushes their buttons, and she will exploit it given a reason and half a chance. She's not usually not serious in her dealings with others; her interactions with others usually have an incredibly silly slant to them, as evidenced by pretty much everything she does in this memo and the pictures of kids from the 80s and 90s drawn over in MS Paint and slash fanart she sends Dave. She's flirty, mocking, and sometimes downright fucking scary in her interactions with others, though her trolling rarely steps over into outright offensive or malicious territory -- what she does is more to like friendly teasing for the lulz. When she does cross those lines (like when she killed John in an alternate timeline), she genuinely feels pretty bad about it. Unless you're Vriska, of course, because then you totally deserve it.

The reason why she's so great at trolling others is her skill in manipulation. Like mentioned before, Terezi is very observant and great at finding out what makes others tick. While she usually does this only to fuck around with people, back in her FLARPing days she would dismantle entire teams with nothing but politics and headgames, and occasionally she will arrange things so that she gets what she wants. The crowning example of this is probably when she lays down the law on Vriska: she first contacts a nigh-omniscient, incredibly powerful being known to her as Mr. Vanilla Milkshake (actually Doc Scratch) and tells him Vriska has been cheating in the games the two of them play and that she knows why. She then threatens to kill Vriska and plays on her addiction to consulting prophetic devices. Unfortunately for Vriska, this particular device is a magic cue ball she had stolen from Mr. Vanilla Milkshake, the very same thing she'd been using to cheat against him. Terezi tells him she has it, causing him to flip the fuck out and make it blow up in Vriska's face. Doc Scratch had not wanted anything to do with the trolls' feud, nor was it particularly difficult for Terezi to garner the reactions she needed to make the scheme work.

Terezi is extremely interested in JUSTICE and ORCHESTRATING THE DEMISE OF THE WICKED. She possesses a strong set of morals and won't hurt people who don't deserve it. Back when she FLARPed, she imagined herself as part of a vigilante duo with Vriska devoted to taking down bad guys. When Vriska finally reveals herself as a HUGE BITCH, Terezi refuses to associate with her and to this day acts very coolly towards her. In the conversation where Vriska contacts her about violating their truce (the point of which she totally misunderstood), Terezi is very put out by the fact that her former friend is a gigantic liar and basically stepped all over her morals. Those who lie and murder are bad guys, and as an aspiring legislacerator she will punish bad guys to the fullest extent possible. If she can't get you through legal means, she will totally return to her vigilante roots and go rogue on your ass. That she stuff she did with Mr. Vanilla Milkshake to get him to blow up the cue ball? It was all to get vengeance on Vriska for hurting Tavros and Aradia. That whole "orchestrating the demise of the wicked" thing on her intro page isn't an exaggeration. She's Daredevil, Harvey Dent, and a bit of Batman all rolled up into one adorabloodthirsty troll package.

Because of the way she perceives her world, Terezi is obsessed with tastes, smells, and colors, especially that of other people's blood. Karkat's blood is a source of endless curiosity for her until she finally smells it under his skin, and the first thing she asks after Dave throws his body out the window is what his blood smells and tastes like. Where people tend to take their senses for granted, Terezi talks about hers all the time. Things are not simply red or brown, they are strong cherry cough syrup or chocolate. Even people are categorized this way, like Sollux being "appleberry blast" to her. When she draws things, she picks colors less by how things actually look and more by what colors smell or taste the best.

It is worth noting how surprisingly chill Terezi acts about a lot of things despite her natural silliness and enthusiasm. When Karkat comes busting in and demanding to take control of the Red Team, she just throws her hands up and lets him. She doesn't fight him about it or plot and backstab over it like Vriska and Equius. She just wants to play the game. Although their home and all the rest of the other trolls in existence are dead and gone, she's still somewhat upbeat about things instead of being emotionally crushed under the awfulness of their situation. She's not even upset about being blind -- deep down inside, she prefers being this way. If she'd never lost her sight, her dreamself wouldn't have woken up, and then she never would have heard from her lusus until it was prototyped in the Medium. Instead of getting hissy and lashing out at things, Terezi tends to just roll with life's punches. If something does bother her, she'd rather hide it or downplay how much it affects her rather than wear it on her sleeve.

What are your plans for the character in-game?
I'm interested in playing Terezi in a place that's so different from what she's used to, both in terms of where she was raised (crazy Lord of the Flies death planet) and the situation she was just taken from (lost everything she'd been working towards for a month, dead friends).

Also shenanigans. Shenanigans are fun, too.

Anything else?
WH4T 4N 3Y3-S34R1NG SH4D3 OF T34L

I have a tagging permissions post.

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire

What do you prefer to be known as?
Terezi Pyrope.

How old are you?
Six sweeps old!

Do you have any history in combat?
Well, gosh, what kind of silly question is that? I lived on Alternia! I think the answer should be pretty obvious!

If so, have you ever killed?
My previous answer also applies.

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?

iii) What role do you take when working in a group?

iv) How talkative are you around other people?

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
Yes. Except when it isn't, of course!

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?

x) Do you like surprises?

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
Absolutely! But do not take this as arrogance on my part -- if you knew who my "superior" was, you would share my view as well!

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
Truly the

ii) Prose sample
iii) Bracket/Commentspam RP sample - [here] + [here]
iv) Thread link

!witchesreign, !app

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