(no subject)

Oct 03, 2008 09:08

the tiling is finished. finally. tomorrow I tear up the last of the old carpet tack in the basement and start figuring out how to install this enginneerd wood floor we ended up going with. John and I care gonna install it on Saturday while Lindsey runs OPs at YGO. Looking forward to doing something handy with John.

I taught him how to change the oil in his car the other day (again). He's such a good damn kid.

Palin didn't punt the debate like I thought she might... course then again she had about 2 weeks of debate boot camp and she played it smart by avoiding the things she wasn;t comfortable answering she flat out ignored a question and then even said later "I'll answer your questions if I want to" a fairly flippant display that probably gained her a bit on the "tell in the man what to do" crowd.

I'd say neither candidate really ad... but then as I read the posts of my friends and talk with people about it without predisposing my thoughts about it, the people who are likely to vote McCain thought Palin edged it or flat out won it, the people likely to voe for Obama thought Biden won it. What's that mean?
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