We’re almost packed. The living areas have been taken care of, as well as the kids’ rooms, study nook, and bathroom. We are yet to pack our clothes, but the items on coat hangers will just be bound together with elastic bands and draped over a sheet in our car - and the items in drawers will either be moved inside the chest or if they’re in a fixed set, thrown into a large canvas bag.
Repairs have been the main focus of this week. I’ve been at work, but Hayden has been juggling his days off work between caring for the kids (and making sure their holidays aren’t totally boring) and knocking a little more off our diminishing ‘To Do’ list.
Today he’s taken the kids to see The Smurfs (which from all reports was ‘awesome’, ‘totally cool’ and ‘a steaming pile of smurf’. I’ll let you guess who said what), packed all of our glassware and ferried multiple boxes his sister was storing in our spare rooms to his mother’s house for her to sort through. My job tonight when I get home from work is to sort through the pantry and pack what we want to keep for the new house.
Hayden doesn’t trust himself to make decisions on what is to be thrown out, so a lot of the sorting will have to be done while we’re unpacking at the other end. That said, we’ve already established a GIANT pile of items to be given to goodwill, and we’ve made some pocket money by selling off some better quality items at Cash Converters.
We have a lovely couple moving in not this weekend but next, and we have the cleaner booked for next Tuesday. I am so happy we don’t have to worry about cleaning the house to tenant standard by ourselves. We’ve been told they will do absolutely everything, including cleaning the windows. And they will even clean the fly-wire!
The kids will be picked up on Friday afternoon so they won’t be getting in the way when we move on Saturday morning. We will have plenty of time to ferry bits and pieces from our old place to the new before the cleaning staff begin. Hopefully it’s not too stressful for everyone involved.. I can hope, can’t I? : \
No matter what happens, we’re definitely making the right move. We’ll be in a newer property that’s right near the river with a pool only one suburb away from where we live at the moment (a location that we LOVE), and then there’s the fact that our rental income and my contributions to our budget each month will pretty cover our mortgage repayments. Also, we have never utilized the space we have in our current house, so down-sizing was an obvious choice. Moving into a two bedroom unit means we still have space for us and the kids as well as an extra bathroom (ensuite, yeahhhh! :D). I’m so keen to get started on styling a lovely newer style home.
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