In regards to my last post. My neighbour (Sebastian's mum) just stopped by to pick up Sebastian and said that she got a call from Ozzy's parents. It's not good. Turns out there are coyotes around and unfortunately Ozzy has succumb to them. One of their neighbours called them and said they found... I won't say it, but yeah, it really doesn't look good.
I'm still not giving up, but I do know (and have always known) that there may be an unhappy outcome to this whole situation. It's a risk you take with having an outdoor cat. If she is gone I just wish I knew so I could mourn and scream and curse things. It's the not knowing that is killing me. The 'what if's' and all that. I still may get her back, there's still hope.
I've locked up Tinkerbell and Moe. Tink is asleep in one of the bottom cupboards of a cabinet and Moe is in a tent mum made him on her bed. My hands are shaking.