Apr 09, 2007 21:11
I've been trying to make this entry for the better part of the day, but every time I open up my client I can't think of what to write. I feel as if nothing I say will really convey what I really feel, but I'm sure anyone who has lost a loved one knows what I mean by this.
But what I can say a big heartfelt thank you to everyone for their comments and love in my last post. It really did help, even if I haven't said anything. I just want to be a hermit right now and hopefully take my mind off of things. I keep thinking that she's just asleep in the sun room or on the couch, but then I remember she isn't and it breaks my heart. Mum's been pretty sad all day as well. It'll take a bit for things to sink in really and get used to not seeing her around. It was like that with Jackson when he first left us. I kept thinking he was just over at dad's.
Eowyn, however, has been bouncing around and being a little terror all day. She's sniffed around and sort of made a tour of our place, but otherwise she doesn't seem sad at all. If anything I could almost think she was happy. I think she knew/knows and isn't too upset that she's gone. It's amazing what animals can do and think.
Again, thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words, it means a lot to me. I may or may not reply, I dunno.
Last night I realized that when we adopted Coda we adopted her in April, so it's kinda odd how things like that work out. We got to have her for almost exactly 6 years.
thank you,