I've been busy the past couple of weeks with finishing up my math course and taking test after test. Yesterday was my last class and I'm happy to announce I have passed high school math!!!! YAY! I hadn't taken math since grade 10, so it's been awhile (about 6 years), but I'm so happy I did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and there was plenty of help when I needed it. Now my last class I take is art, so I can just relax. Art is second nature to me and now that I don't have any more hard stuff to go through I can just have fun with it. After I'm done with art then I'm graduated!!!!!!! I'll get a diploma and everything, then I'll apply to
VCC's Digital Graphic Design program and with any luck after I do that I'll get into the
IDEA program at Cap College.
I finally feel as if I'm moving on. Moving on from the past few years that have just been not great for me and my family. I'm 22 and I'm finally finishing up high school and seriously thinking about college. My only fear is that I may not be able to do a four year full time diploma because I couldn't afford to stop working. But I'll get there when I get there. I'm sure my dad would be willing to help me out. I'm getting financing for all my courses, so I don't have to pay anything
I've made some
Supernatural and
Heroes icons. :)
Speaking of last night's Heroes, I loved it! I cannot wait for next week. It just get's better and they have such a pretty cast.
I've been watching lots and lots of Gilmore Girls as of late. I'm currently halfway through season four. When I watched the episode of Rory graduating from Chilton I was a blubbering mess. I guess I was just hormonal, same when I watched her going off to Yale. I see a lot of myself and my mum and I in that show. Except we're not as witty and charming and not as thin. :P We also don't live in a huge house, but hey, I like it. I feel a lot like Rory with her love of books. There was a table of books at the book store with a ton of classics on it, you could pick 3 for $15, I spent half an hour trying to decide what the hell to pick. I eventually ended up on 'Emma', 'A Portrait of a Lady' and 'Jane Eyre'. I wish I could afford more, but you can get classics pretty cheap anywhere.
As a congratulations for passing my math my mum bought me season five as pressie! :D And she told my dad to get me season six! So soon I will have the whole GG series so far. I hope to catch up on season 7 over the summer, even though everyone has said it sucks. :P
My mum was just in the kitchen getting the kitties some dinner and she brought in a bag of icing sugar and pasta she pulled out of the pantry. Yeah, the icing sugar and pasta is gone and there's tiny holes in the packaging. I think the mice in our walls have a sweet tooth. They're going to be some fat mice. Luckily the kitties keep them from actually coming out, so we haven't seen any.
Keira Knightley is going to sue the Daily Mail over eating disorder stuff. Honestly? I think she has a right to do so. I don't think she's that bad. She is thin, but she looks healthy. There's a huge difference in being super skinny and healthy and super skinny and looking like you may keel over at any moment (like Nicole Richie and Kate Bosworth). Yeah, Keira could gain some weight, but she looks good to me. I had a friend in high school that was about 6 foot high and was thin as a rail and she was perfectly healthy. This whole weight obsession is just insane. You're too fat, you're too thin. Bah, I hate it, whatever just happened to being happy and healthy?
The Oscar nominations are out. I'm not really surprised with any of them except Ryan Gosling. I am so happy he got nominated. I haven't seen Half Nelson, but I've been a fan of his for a long time. I'm so happy he's gotten one.
I'm not a Veronica Mars fan, I tried watching it once and I just couldn't get into it, but
picture of Jensen and Kristen is just so damn adorable. They need to procreate right this moment.
I see that a few people have added me the past couple of days, feel free to introduce yourself! You don't have to lurk (unless you really want to :P ).
And I shall leave on this note, because I cannot get enough of them: