Cry, cry, cry and cry some more

Mar 04, 2006 12:07

Yesterday at work we had 27 exchange students from Nunavut (Canada's biggest territory). We knew they were coming because Starbucks wanted to give them all their drinks (it was head offices idea). They don't have Starbucks in Nunavut, or at least where they live. Hell, a lot of these kids live above the tree line, so they've never seen many (if any for that fact) trees. And Vancouver's got trees. Lots of trees, we are a rain forest after all. Anyway, it' was pretty cool, just meeting people from a different part of Canada that not many think about or would go to.

Dad's taking me out to lunch and to the bank today. I'm hoping he'll take me to the art store so I can get a crap load of new supplies. I have gift certificates from Christmas, so if I don't go over $75 then I don't have to pay for anything. :D

I also want to look into and start staving for a drawing tablet, but I'm not too sure what's good out there. I've heard of a couple of different ones, but I just want to know what's the best/personal preference. And also what's the best for the pocket book. These things aren't cheap.

I finally watched the Supernatural I taped on Tuesday last night. One word: DADDY!!!! ;_;

On my picture finding travels I found this absolutely stunning picture of Elijah. I've seen it smaller before, but in hi-res it's just gorgeous. It's from the Toronto Film Festival. Click for bigger. :)

fashar, drawing tablet, werk, supernatural, art supplies, crackbucks

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