First off:
boromirslover, I received your card on Friday! I've been meaning to post a thank you earlier, but I suck and put it off until now. Thank you very much! <3
Sunday night I watched the first episode of The Walking Dead on AMC... (
minor spoilers if you haven't seen it )
No, because I agree with you. I think the only reason the horse didn't effect me the way it would in the past was because I was expecting it. The second the horse was shown on screen I was like, 'yep, probably gonna die, so don't get to attached.' That kind helps. Plus I've trained myself to watch sad animal stuff on tv/movies with the thought of that that animal is only acting, it didn't really happen. Still it makes me sad that the horsie was eatin. :(
I still have problems even thing of TW:CoE, because it just left me with such a icky feeling for exactly the reasons you said. The issue wasn't the aliens themselves but humanity. There's also this 'reality' program on the National Geographic channel that deals with the same thing. They put a small group of people in a situation similar to what the survivors of the zombie apocalypse are in: just surviving, trying to make their way in the world when everything has gone to hell. I only saw one episode, but it was quite incredible at the change these people went through. Even though it was a 'game' (they all knew that) it still brought out those 'not so pleasant' sides of human nature and what we would do to/for each other in a situation like that. It can be ugly what humans do to each other and just do when all you can do is try to survive.
Sadly, OOTP is one of the bottom HP movies on my list for what was left out/changed. If any book needed two movies it was that one. I knew that they can never fit everything in, but it felt too watered down for me (also OOTP remains the shortest HP movie, yet it's the longest book... the hell?)
LOL I know what you mean, bb. When DH came out I was sad, but I told myself we still had the movies... now in less than 8 months we won't have that. *CLINGS*
I remember when it was about mid November or at around the American Thanksgiving that Christmas really started happening. o.O We're such a horrible consumer driving society now. *headdesk*
IDK where this year went, but for all the shit that's happened I'm glad it's going.
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