Since I will be in Las Vegas for my actual birthday this year I had an idea about treating myself to a new tattoo and getting it done there (provided I can save for it before then). However, there is two things that maybe put me off: where should I get it done and is it even worth it? Meaning, I'm sure Vegas shops probably charge more since they're in Vegas and they... can.
Anyone have an experience on this issue or have had something similar done while on vacation in a popular location?
I'm not quite sure what has happened, but my back is not a happy camper. I know on Wednesday I was moving some boxes around in my room, but I felt fine Thursday and Friday. This morning I wake up and it's stiff, sore and just not great. Another thing is that Moe has been sleeping next to me the past several nights and I somehow get smushed against the wall. Why must cats hog the bed so much?
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice/opinions on the Percy Jackson books. I put the first one on hold at the library (I'm 7th in line, but I can wait).
And I shall leave on this note:
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