bandgeek01, I received your card today! Thank you very much and I will definitely continue to post about my and other animals.
How in the hell did it get to be December 22nd? I mean really.
I'm going to try and get some wrapping done tonight... or all of it. That's the beauty of being broke, you don't have to wrap anything. :D
Since I cannot afford or get anyone else to order me the Supernatural calendar for 2010, I told mum that she can just get me a Star Trek. There are no ST calendars out there, new movie or TOS, or at least at where we all looked. How could there not be one? I mean, really people, it was only one of the biggest grossing/popular movies of the year.
I just wanted to give Merlin a huge hug throughout the most of the episode. It was a good one and I don't want to wait 9 months for new Merlin. :(
Oh, and I love the blatant slash when Merlin and Arthur were sleeping in the inn. I think the writers are just fucking with us now. I mean I know it's a family show and everything, but I don't think I've ever seen this much subtext on show. Ever. O.o
....well maybe as slashy as the Petrelli's. Those were the days... *sniff*