Mar 12, 2004 22:20
Round 1: Did NASA make a mistake by abandoning the Hubble Space Telescope?
- Not bad, I always stumble on my first round because I am not into the "extemp rythmn" and it didn't help that I kept saying "Hubble Tace Scelescope"...oops
Round 2: Will the United States ever be free from the shackles of terrorist attacks?
-I'm not sure, this one was kind of opinion and my judge kept giving me weird looks. Who knows? I used Harrison Ford as my intro...very cool and Mrs. Brennan was my judge! Her daughter's name is Meghan... isn't that veird?
Round 3: Should the U.S. Health Department recommend a nationwide diet to combat widespread obesity?
-Totally rocked this round!!! Elana saved me with some awesome articles and I was so pumped that everything went really well!!! WOO! I was so excited afterwards. The room was running late and I just wanted to break in there and do it becuase it was that
Ok, so the second round went really late and we had nothing to do so me and some other kids went exploring in the prep room. The prep room was the lower school library so we found the game memory and ended up playing a couple of games. So much fun!! It got really intense. I know, it sounds stupid, but when you are stuck in a room for hours at a time, you have to make your own fun. It was hilarious!!
Hopefully three more rounds tomorrow, only two if I don't break. I really hope I make it to Nationals, that would be so awesome! I'm not nervous anymore just tyring to push forward and extemp it up!
EAMON"S BIRTHDAY IS SUNDAY!!! WOO!!! I CAN"T WAIT!!! We had a party for him at lunch much fun! I made a cake, I'm not sure how it came out but at least the effort was there. Sunday is going to be awesome! Baseball game, dinnner, maybe a movie, then dessert and mini-party at mi casa con mi familia. Eamon is going to be 17!!! EEE!!! I am so excited!!!! WOOO!!