Seeker Digest is a fandom newsletter, posted every so often that details the goings on in the Seeker Fandom.
Craig Horner: A special event will be occurring at Wonder Con. Details
Craig Parker: There was a kerfluffle with someone impersonating him on twitter. It has been confirmed by Lesley Ann Brandt and Katrina Law, among others, that the twitter is not really Craig Parker.
Gabriel Mann: Was interviewed on The Ellen Show. Clip
Save Our Seeker: Journey Book Campaign Schedule posted
dark_fest: Prompt claiming has closed. Fics are due by March 30th!
lots20in20: Round 19 Winner Banners are
richard_kahlan: Got a new layout to match their header.
If there is something missing from the digest that you think should be here, or you have any announcements to be included, drop a comment here!