Many Sword of Truth and Legend of the Seeker fans in costume will roaming around DragonCon for the entire duration of the convention.
Look for Mord-Siths in red and white leather, Confessors, Seekers, Emperor Jagang, and even Nicci and Darken Rahl.
When you find them, ask for a Treasure Hunt ticket. Once you have collected 3 tickets from different cosplayers, come by the Goodkind/Seeker Fan Table at the Hyatt (Exhibit Level) to redeem a very cool prize.
Prizes include: hats, playing cards, t-shirts and a number of autographed items by Terry Goodkind (til supplies last).
Some hints about good places to easily find these cosplayers:
- Cosplay Photo Shoot - Friday, Sept. 2nd, 11:00 pm, Marriott, 10th floor
- “Seeking Goodkind” panel (SciFi Literature Track) - Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, Hyatt, Greenbriar, Conference Center Level
- Even the fan table itself is a safe bet.
It's not ok to ask for tickets during the Costume Parade ;)
Have fun!