Title: One woman's campaign for Legend of the Seeker (Well, for Cara and Kahlan specifically) EPISODE 2
Pairing or characters: Animation. A woman and a man talking about Cara/Kahlan.
Warnings/Rating: Rated Teen (14 and up).
Disclaimer: The "true story" is the property of Disney and Terry Goodkind.
Length: 3:36.
Author's notes: Comedy. Written, then put to animation over at You do not have to pay to publish creations from there, as long as you download FlashGot or some other type of video-grab. So others willing/wanting to do something like this, you can still do it for free.
Summary: Some fans of the television show "Legend of the Seeker" went through great lengths to campaign for a third season. This woman here took a more "subtle" approach.
View EPISODE 2 at my journal. Or, of course, right below.
Extra note: To my readers, I know I "promised" to get back to the serious, and I have; it's just that this helps provide me with a little fun, since my life is pretty stressful right now (not that writing isn't often fun), and I'm putting the finishing touches on the newest Blue Paradise update, which I'm a little nervous about since it consists of mostly sex and violence (though I love mapping out violence/action scenes just as much as romance). So, yes, expect a hard R or NC-17 for Part 10 of that story, as well as more insight into the main characters' heads. But for now:
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View EPISODE 1 here. View its prequel/sequel here.