ANIMATION: One woman's campaign (prequel) - Legend of the Seeker - Cara and Kahlan

Nov 15, 2010 00:08

Title:   One woman's campaign (prequel) - Legend of the Seeker - Cara and Kahlan 
Pairing or characters:  Animation. Two men talking about Cara/Kahlan.
Warnings/Rating: Rated Teen (16 and up).
Disclaimer:  The "true story" is the property of Disney and  Terry Goodkind. 
Length: 3:18.
Author's notes: Comedy. Written, then put to animation over at  I did not pay to publish this. You can get around paying by downloading FlashGot. So if anyone else wants to make shows or movies from this site, you can still do it for free. 
Summary: Before one woman's campaign, executives sat in an office trying to figure out what they were going to do about the sudden Cara/Kahlan fanatics. View it at my journal.  Or, of course, below:

Extra note: For those who need to know what/who Bennifer was/were, this link should help: Supercouple#Celebrity.

I will now be getting back to the serious, and reading other people's fanfics. Must sleep first.

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