As no one knows, the TB girls (
firstserve and
valhallalilly) all flew to Georgia to dance in that one really long conga line, you know, the three-four hour wait in the sun to get your passes? BTW, it is shiny.
Since I flew in last night at 3am ATL time, I was going to procrastinate uploading these. But then I thought about nice Kahlan and I wanted her to have her pictures asap so lalala.
BTW, nice Kahlan is one of the awesome Kahlans we met at the con. I call all of them nice Kahlan though. Didn't really see a Con Dar Kahlan.
One more thing: Team BAMC Sheep will not be appearing in these photos because half of them are still in ATL rn and I don't want to put up their images without their permission.
jlyn, bwahahaha.
Seeker panel: discussions about the show verses book, and one guy nearly lost his head to two girls in the front. It was awesome.
Excuse me if I sound ridiculous, I'm working on little sleep since valalalalala likes to giggle at 6am and wake us up. On a Sunday. Where the only thing to go to is the consuite party. At 2pm. *glares* Also,
B tweeted at 2:30am wanting pictures. R00D. We all woke up. Tweeted them to her anyways.
Awesome Legendary Summer posters. Saw them hung up around hotels. Many were gone. Sweet.
Table: watched Prophecy/Destiny, had lots of fans walk by. I wasn't a creeper and taking pictures from behind the table. Maybe.
Witch Bandora caught me and posed. JAGANG WAS AT THE TABLE TOO, HIS COSTUME WAS AMAZING but I didn't get a picture. T_T Found Waldo a few times.
If you are in these pictures, I have a zip folder for you. Otherwise, click on the thumbnails to get to the bigger picture.
oh look
OH LOOK: I obviously got distracted with the Pokemon picture. And Rahl wanted $30 bucks for a picture. I knew he was evil. Hi Jo!
PANEL: The wall of cancelled shows. Notice Seeker isn't on there. And the Mord'Sith? Her's is the real thing. Worn by Tab's riding double. Three Kahlans. I made a Torn joke in here.
PARTY: OH HELLO, CARA. And SG-1 with the Mord'Sith is WIN. TWO FANDOMS IN ONE, HECK YEAH. There were a lot of people at the party, and I kept doing rain dances which Jo will NOT be posting anywhere. (I know where you live.) "Nighttime" Kahlan. More Torn jokes. The Kahlans petting the TV but Zedd kept popping up. B was on tv.
Richard grunts softly. Mord'Sith-Kahlan sandwich (I got one myself! It was delish). Nice Kahlan with Dr. Horrible which I should really give her so it's here. Jenn can't stand up. Nice Kahlans with their hoods up. And confessing Jo. Well, she's not so nice anymore. HOW DID THIS POST TAKE AN ENTIRE HOUR AN HOUR AND A HALF I AM POOPED.
Love, the TB girls.
As the stupid
pingback_bot had to remind me,
virkatjol has updated with prettier pictures
here. Pingback can stop filling up my inbox but Jo's spams is really pretty. And I'm not mean, I swear. Just to the spambot.