Newest episode numbers bolded
ShowDateR= RepeatHH RatingLive+SD Viewers (000)Legend of the Seeker7-Nov-09 1.72,580 14-Nov-09 1.52,240 21-Nov-09 1.62,504 28-Nov-09 1.62,408 5-Dec-09 2,300 12-Dec-09 2,671 19-Dec-09R1.42,108 26-Dec-09R1.42,101 2-Jan-10R1.42,020 9-Jan-10 1.52,278 16-Jan-10 1.52,343 23-Jan-10 1.62,447 30-Jan-10 1.72,581 6-Feb-10R1.42,019 13-Feb-10 1.72,624 20-Feb-10 1.52,111 27-Feb-10 1.52,226 6-Mar-10R1.62,065 13-Mar-10R1.72,005 20-Mar-10 1.72,269 27-Mar-10 1.72.439 3-Apr-10R1.31.737 10-Apr-10 1.32.020 17-Apr-10 1.52.340 I debated posting these since the coming ratings effectively meaningless but I am interested how the show in ends in ratings terms. So I'll post the final episode numbers for those who are interested as well. As always a graph is under the cut.