Fluff Battlememe? Memebattle of Fluff?

Sep 30, 2012 22:39

Hello again!

In thinking about how to space the imminent Porn Battle and following Kink Meme, I realized a change of pace might be welcome in between, especially with the holidays coming up. What better way than a celebration of Legend of the Seeker's fluffier side? Whether it's an imagination of Richard and Kahlan's wedding or Kahlan teaching Cara how to cuddle, there's plenty of opportunities to be had! And let's not forget curtainfic.

To my knowledge Fluff Memes/Battles aren't a ~thing, but maybe they should be. To this, I'd like to propose The (potentially) Great LotS Fluffy Commentfic Meme! (TPGLOTSFCFM for short, obviously.) Inspired byseriousfic's epic spooning meme of 2010 fame.

And now, a poll. As this would be an event for all of Seeker Fandom I'm trying to gather opinions from multiple communities, so please head over to my journal and vote if you're interested!

user: simplesetgo, !poll

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