May 07, 2013 10:02


Hi, and welcome to legendland, a games community for Legend of the Seeker and Sword of Truth fans. This guide will hopefully help you get started with the games and get you interacting with your team members.

Firstly, I'm hoping you've been to the community invitations page and accepted invites to legendland, ll_listener and your team community, which will be either team_seeker (for Seekers), confessors (for Confessors) or mordsith_temple (for Mord'sith).

Starting off with the challenges in legendland should be really easy - all the currently open challenges are kept updated in a sticky post at on the front page of the community. There is also the points spreadsheet which has a list of all challenges for that battle in it. A link to the spreadsheet is available on the community sidebar.

Each challenge is posted in a new post to the community. All the information you should need will be in that post. When you've finished your challenge, you post it to your team thread unless otherwise instructed.

The Teams

Each team handles their welcoming and new members information differently and as you only have access to your team's community, you should only need to pay attention to your team's info below. Please note that links in this section will only be accessible to team members.

To introduce yourself to Team Confessor, start meeting the members and making new friends visit this post here and copy the form and make a new post to the community.

To introduce yourself to Team Mord'sith, start meeting the members and making new friends, visit this post here and copy the form and make a new post to the community.

To introduce yourself to Team Seeker, start meeting the members and making new friends, just find the welcome post with your name in it and say hi!

The Terminology

As with everything else, there are a lot of words and shorthand names for things and methods in the community. So to help you out with what things mean, here's a list of terms I've picked up over the last few weeks and a description to go with it.

Challenge: When this is used, it refers to the main objective we've posted. Usually you'll find these posts starting with Challenge ## so you can track if you've done a challenge by its number.

Writing: We use this generic term instead of story or fic because we also challenge you to write poems, or articles and other such things that aren't always stories.

Graphic & images: Mostly we use Graphic for this one, but you'll find the word "Image" used a lot in these posts because you have make and post the image. We use graphic because occasionally what you'll do is manipulate or draw your images, so the term refers to a lot of different things.

Games: These are always fun, but widely varied. We post games such as luck and chance, card games, graphic games, picture games and word games and to save you the headache, we just bung it all in the one word. Games.

Post: Post is the main section of the challenge post where all the top level information is. Only the moderators can post to legendland, but everyone can post to their own team community and ll_listener.

Thread: A lot of people get confused with this one. A thread (or comment) is a line of conversation in a post (with me so far?). Each challenge has 4 threads posted to it, titled: Questions, Team Confessor, Team Mord'sith& Team Seeker. Each thread has a "Reply to this" link under it so when we say "Reply to your team thread" we mean click the "Reply to this" button under the thread with your team name in the title.

Mods & Team Leaders: Mods (short for Moderators) are those controlling the challenges and members on legendland, namely muses_mistress & alyse. Team Leaders are something else. There are 2 team leaders in each team, as follows:
TEAM CARA: endgirl & madame_denna
TEAM KAHLAN: confessorlove & muses_mistress
TEAM RICHARD: alyse & mcc2040

PM: stands for Private Message. This can be accessed via the member's profile.

DQ: stands for Disqualified - watch out for this, if you don't follow the rules, you'll be DQ'd.

If you know of a term not listed above, please leave me a comment.

Legendland Communities

This is the main community and where every challenge is posted. In the sidebar you can find the team's points and the currently active challenges. There is also a list of useful links you might need.

Team Richard's headquarters. You can find team building posts, reminders, discussions and strategies posted there. Anything team related goes there. Every member of the team has posting access.

Team Kahlan's headquarters. You can find team building posts, reminders, discussions and strategies posted there. Anything team related goes there. Every member of the team has posting access.

Team Cara's headquarters. You can find team building posts, reminders, discussions and strategies posted there. Anything team related goes there. Every member of the team has posting access.

Legendland's socializing community. Everyone is allowed to post there, whether this is different socializing themes or LOTS news.

!newbie guide

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