
Dec 26, 2008 19:11

That was a good Christmas. Much better than last year, when it was just me and Molly at the winter festival, still adjusting to a new digital world. And I haven't had a white Christmas like that since I was a kid. :) Here's to getting the one thing I really wanted for Christmas in the New Year.

Anyway, for those of you I didn't manage to drop in on yesterday or send in exchange...

[Attached are presents. With homemade cards! And by "homemade" I mean "ASCII art on the front". Well, everyone who got a present would've gotten these cards. Oh, and assume presents for partners even if there's none indicated, albeit smaller and less personal because he wouldn't know them as well.

Jenrya: Hagurumon's Darkness Gear. "Merry Christmas! Here's to a saner New Year. Wait... :P"
Terriermon: This book. "You're resourceful enough that I don't think you'd really need this, but have fun seeing how other people do it!"

Ken: A handcarved digimon chess set. "Merry Christmas for the first time in...okay, way too long. It's fantastic seeing you again, even with all the crap and weirdness that gets thrown at us here (much like home, really). Stay safe."

The Doctor: A kitschy souvenir watch from Carnival Island for the lulz. "Merry Christmas. May nothing ridiculous happen!"

Jenny: Bokomon's Book of Knowledge. "I'm glad you've survived this far despite leaving with an egg. Hope you enjoy your first Christmas!"

Shiori: A kids' novel, surprisingly with no digimon characters whatsoever. Guess the Tamers have created a niche market for that kind of thing. "Merry Christmas, kiddo."

Sharpay: A really fabulous pair of shoes. "Thanks for the job - twice - and well done on surviving this crazy place without anyone from your world. Merry Christmas, Captain."

Mack: Good quality ice skate blade guards. He would have gotten spare blades if not for his current aversion to sharp objects. No personalized message in this card, just a standard "merry Christmas"; Ryo figures he's still on thin ice with her.

...hee, see what I did there?]

One more month and I'm through with piracy, yay. Pay's good, the travel's fun, and I've got food and a roof over my head, but the inflexible hours and the amount of shore leave a third of which went to therapy are...annoying, to say the least. Plus my therapist thinks I need to stop avoiding everyone. And I guess I'm pretty okay after seeing everyone and their mom yesterday; it's only Thea who thinks I'm hiding in the crow's nest... So I'll be back living at the TARDIS in a month.


Oh god, I'll need a new job.

(OOC: Strikes are hackable by the 1337. I've discussed with most people if Ryo would've given them gifts in person but haven't got a chance to with you, Ajora? :o But he would have gotten Osamu a book on the digital world's flora, with some notes from Ryo on some digimon-specific plants, such as the healing qualities of Alraumon's RGB Herb.)

family: ken, friends: jen 'smith' not lee, friends: idkmybffjen?, friends: mack, family: shiori, life: a pirate's life for me, friends: the doctor is nothing more, ship: osaryo is weird now, life: job, friends: sharps, event: christmas

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