Apr 06, 2008 12:05

Who: Ryo and his partners
What: Of course Ryo's having an emogency, geeze!
When: April 5th, 4:37PM
Where: Goc Desert (where are all the wild things? repelled by the emo)

There was something about deserts. Three times he'd fought Milleniumon over a desert; once he'd fought him in the sands itself, and that time Ken had taken the Dark Seed for him. The desert was often the first place he wound up when he went to the digital world of datastreams and digignomes, or else a datastream would soon take him there as (what he felt was) a bit of a practical joke. He was almost surprised that it had taken this long for the desert of this digital world to pull him there.

"What is it with you and deserts?" asked Monodramon.

"I know," Ryo allowed a smile, but he soon went back to frowning again. With his scarf over his mouth to keep out the dust, you could only tell from his eyes.

As annoying as Wizardmon and Sorcermon often were, he couldn't help but feel like Sorcermon was right. He honestly wouldn't have minded staying in this digital world, it was a lot better than living in the real world, and it was amazing he'd managed to hold down a job this long when he usually didn't stay in school for more than two months... But he knew a lot of people would mind.

It was true, he'd told people they'd go home because that was The Way Things Had Always Worked, Except That One Time. That One Time was an exception for a reason...but just how much was the ENIAC of this world messing with people's timelines by pulling them from different places? Especially the Digimon Adventure timeline, and Sokka's universe, it sounded like they were the most fragmented.

Maybe telling people they'd go home gave them hope. Maybe it gave them something to strive for, when 'doing the right thing' wasn't a good enough reason.

But what if it was false hope he was giving people?

If it wasn't true, he'd been lying to every second new person Yggdrasil had Chosen, and after the Tournament, Ryo hated lying. He couldn't stand to do something that had hurt him so much.

"BIT for your thoughts?"

Ryo sighed, and blurted out, "I've been living a lie."

A bit of exaggeration on his part, but it sure felt like it. Totally Monodramon's fault for derailing his Trailmon of thought.

After a moment, Monodramon looked up at him, eyes wide and innocent. "You're not a real blonde?"

Ryo paused to place the reference, then shook his head with a laugh. "You dubbie."

"Hey, I'm just not biased!" Monodramon protested, though the little dragon was smiling. "I watch it for the comedy! It's so bad it's awesome!"

His smile faded with Ryo's. "Seriously, though... This is the first time you've done this here."

"Done what?"

"The aimless running off thing," the child clarified. "It's not the kids at school, it's not your dad, it's not for lack of fights..."

Ryo stopped listening for a while as Monodramon listed the very many factors it didn't seem like it was, and only tuned in again when Monodramon tugged on his chaps.

"It's what Sorcermon said, isn't it?"

Ryo didn't discuss a lot of things with Monodramon, especially now that Kou and how the hell he felt about him had often been on his mind. Bringing him up would have set off Maximilien, but this seemed like a safe enough topic.


Monodramon nodded, eyes growing serious.

"I don't care about not going home, I just don't want to have been lying to everyone..."

"I kind of wish I could talk to ENIAC about it," they said together, before laughing.

"I almost miss the guy..." Ryo admitted. "Might have lied about the whole memory thing, but he was pretty good for exposition..."

His partner nodded again. "And he was never cryptic and annoying about it like Wizardmon and Sorcermon, either."

"And he never would have charged into epic without us."

"That's because he always sent us charging into the epic."

"...Good point."

Monodramon sighed. "He never mocked us about our viruses and emogencies."

"If there was a virus, he would have made it better, or sent us to make it better."

"He never would have tried to sing."

Ryo blinked, then burst out laughing. They'd been wandering for over an hour, although he was making sure to keep the lightpost at least in his peripheral vision. They were coming to a bit of scrub land now, and it seemed as good a place as any to sit down and have a drink. If it wasn't for the D-Reader, Ryo probably would have tracked down that Ash kid to borrow his laptop, but this way he could actually have some water instead of trying to hack himself hydrated. Besides, even splitting the small amount that was part of the D-Reader's rations between the two of them, this was still more water than he'd usually had in previous digital deserts. (That said, it wasn't like he'd needed it in his last digital world.)

Taking the water bottle back from Monodramon, Ryo lifted his scarf to get at his mouth.

"...what's that?"

Monodramon was looking at the Kou-inflicted bruising along Ryo's neck that was usually covered by if not the scarf, a high collar...and even as Ryo watched Monodramon shaking to keep control, his eyes were shifting into red. When his partner spoke again, his stance was subtly different, and his voice had that deeper, more feral quality to it.

"I'm going to kill him."

The legendary tamer was on his feet in an instant, prepared to realize his whip if he needed it. "Don't give me that, you knew."

"I've never before been faced with the evidence. He is marking your body--"

"I let him." Ryo shot back. "And it's not like you haven't scarred me before!" It looked like he was going to comment; Ryo went on before he could. "We've gone over this: I'm not yours."

Maximilien scoffed. "What, are you that boy's now?"

Without thinking, Ryo drew his fist back and punched him. Neither of them noticed the rose gold glow around his fist that sent the child digimon flying backwards.

He only laughed as he got to his feet. His love was really more like him than he'd be willing to admit. "Do you really want a fight, love? Do you really want to end everything here?" The amusement dropped into silky seduction. "A desert, love, how sweet of you to choose the place you know I like."

No, Ryo didn't want to end everything. Against all odds, he'd finally found something to live for. He had something to fight for again: He had a life, he had a family, he had someone he...


There was, however, one thing he wanted to end.

"I know I can't tell you to stay away from him when you're always there; I know I can't tell you not to talk to him when I get knocked out.

"I am not going to let him die or so much as get hurt by your 'hand'.

"What's it going to take?"

(OOC: To clarify, it does indeed take something for Milleniumon to agree not to harm Koushirou. While they don't end up sleeping together, Ryo does have to put on a bit of a show for Mille, and Mille is going to leave his mark on him. Poor kid, scarred for life both physically and emotionally. Mille = worst partner ever.)

event: where is eniac when i need him, !log, life: of course i'm fine really, partner: monodramon, partner: 'maximilien'

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