Greetings everyone! It's been such a long time since I last posted, I've been busy trying to finish up my degree. I did take some time out to go out and have some fun though :)!
I was lucky enough to find the Detective Pikachu plushies and complete the set, minus Mr. Mime and Mewtwo because... they scare me ^^; I also made a video review of the plush and the sounds they make. I added the upc codes in the description so that if you're looking for them you can find them.
Click to view
I also picked up an extra snubull for a giveaway if you all are interested. More information is on the Youtube video itself.
I also went out to my local Meijers (grocery store here in MI) and saw these guys! I wish I could have bought them but sadly my funds be short due to the yellow detective <3! Maybe next month I can pick them up and review them? Who knows. Also, get ready for a MAJOR collection update come summer. I have some new items that I was lucky enough to get <3