Characters: All breeders!
Location: Solaceon Town
Date: Oct. 21, anytime between Midnight and later
Summary: New breeders are showing up all over town! Oddly enough, the locals don't seem to find this too weird.
Rating: PG - PG-13 for language.
It was a quiet, peaceful night when the odd appearances began. Breeders of different ages and even species showing up out of no where, without any explanation what so ever. But thanks to certain meddlers, a spell was cast on the locals to make them believe this was a perfectly normal everyday occurrence. It was their job to make the new breeders feel safe, feel at home and know that they weren't going to be harmed. To let them know of their calling to breed and groom the best Pokémon, to share with others and to show off their prize ones in the Pokémon Contests in Hearthome City.
[[OOC: Welcome breeders! Action or prose are both fine, whichever one you prefer! Just post with your character and put the general timeframe in the subject line and have fun!]]