LWInc raised over $250 at Philadelphia Comic Con

Jun 20, 2011 17:02

We had a great (and exhausting) time at the Philadelphia Comic Convention this weekend.  Over 250 people stopped by our table to pick up a free "I'm Legendary" button, learn more about Moving Creations and Legendary Women and to vote in our Favorite Super Heroine poll.

Participants voted by putting money in the box of their favorite.  We had 8 to choose from, but also accepted write in votes.  Donations ranged from 26 cents to $20, with most people contributing between $1 and $2.

Wonder Woman won the vote with $50 donated in her name.
Jean Grey came in second raising $45.80
Batwoman and Storm battled it out for third place, with Batwoman claiming the bronze metal by only a penny. They raised $43.31 and $43.30 respectively.

The other contenders (Jubilee, Zatanna, Oracle, and She Hulk) and the write in votes (Rogue, the Black Cat, Supergirl and Raven) raised a collective $74.11

85% of the funds raised will go to Moving Creations.  The other 15% goes towards our costs for the convention, which were cut down significantly by generous people who donated printing and other supplies and by Wizard Con who let us have the table for free.

fund raiser, appearances

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