So, another week of mid terms. On so many levels it was better than the first round of tests, so I'll gloss over them with a wave of my hand.
But some more... interesting things happened. For example, we had a sub running my physics class on Friday. Fridays are generally pretty simple - going around the class, we read aloud multiple choice questions from the back of the textbook and do our best to answer them, and turn in our essays.
Aaaand I would get the first question wrong. To be fair, it was slightly tricky and normally I wouldn't have cared. But Non-Shika got it right.... and then the sub went on in a rather condescending tone for a good five minutes explaining to me why I was wrong. And maybe that's not bad to most people, but that's exactly the kind of shit my dad pulls and I was willing myself to melt into the floor even as I'm chirping agreement and willing him to shut the fuck up and move on. Ngggn. I hate lingering on my mistakes for anything more than thirty seconds.
Later on the day was better though. I talked to someone new in my Lit class (even thought that was the day I discovered, despite my best efforts, I got a 85% on my midterm. Saro is not used to anything but perfection in anything outside of math. Difficult class is difficult.) but lemme give some background on him.
He's the rather cute, mousey geeky type, and very often wore a black fedora, steam punk goggles and a Doctor Who (I've never watched the show but I recognize the clothing) scarf. I'd also noticed him drawing something in the previous two classes, but I'd never said anything because.... well, I was being a typical Saro.
First class week thoughts: Pfft, he looks like such a geek. *lawl*
Second class week: Oh, he's suddenly sitting beside me. He must have a crush on me. Hah! He wishes I was into him. *smug*
Third class week: He's moved. He must find me repellent! *angst*
Repeat, etc. Anyway, I finally managed to snag him while leaving class on Friday - I think he'd wanted to talk to me anyway, since I held the door open for him and some of the class and he waited in the doorway to go down the steps with me, and I discovered he's yes, quite the nerd (likes Homestuck, YGO Abridged, video games and Doctor Who) and me, Rain and Steam Punk Kid (he does have a real name but this is how I described him to someone earlier so label'd) talked outside in the cold for a good hour. Which was fun, and I slipped him my number, but so far no word.
Can't decide whether I'm relieved - I really don't know if I'd want to date him, I really do want someone who is actually mature, and it'd be like a Tamaki dating a Renge, or I don't really know my personality just needs an anchor - or disappointed - if the geeks don't want me, I am fucked.
Then I actually got around to hanging with female friends and we ran around campus a bit taking pictures and generally acting drunk while sober. At least I think we were all sober. Um. Fun Friday night.
Finished part of my secret Halloween project - literally sat outside and watched paint dry for several hours Saturday afternoon, then went to a friend's place and did some improv games. Then today I got together with State Fair buddies and played insane board games and watched Princess and the Frog. (Pretty awesome movie, I was pleasently surprised.)
But that, in and of itself, was a little hard for me. Y'see, there's a guy in that group who I've hung out with a lot, him and his brother and his friend (the same three I was with when I realized my crush on Non-Shika, actually) and... well, I kinda had a bit of a crush on him, too. But there's a dear friend of mine who lives several hours south of here who likes him too; E. And I knew this too, so I didn't tell her I liked the guy she did. I also decided that, well, first come first served, so I won't really try to win him over but if he asks me out I won't say no.
This week I found out they were dating. And had been for a while. I'm happy, totally, but.... a little sad I wasn't one of the first people E told. I actually found out from FB, sadly enough, a few weeks after the fact. Now, under 'normal' circumstances this means nothing, but... I don't know.
It just seems like all the guys I like or liked now have girlfriends. Most of my peers have boyfriends, and I've just spent a bit of this week feeling alone. While I know that, should it come down to it, I'd chose fame over love in a heartbeat, and I'd rather have a bestseller than a baby, but...
It still is a bit of a blow to the ego not to feel beautiful, or wanted, by the opposite sex.
Damn, why do all of my journals end serious? I KNOW.
Gah, I keep forgetting why I don't post journals more often. *rage* It's because when I wait to long, I forget loads of stuff and then ends up with WALLS OF TEXT
TL;DR roller coaster week ending with a meme, time to go read GaaSaku smut and act all excited over NaNo and Halloween and MLP.