Life's not an hourglass, it's a roller coaster...

Oct 06, 2011 23:57

... because the time just seems to keep getting faster the older you get.

Not much has gone wrong this week, except for a glaring issue, but I'll discuss that later.  I am so sick of startin my own journals wit bitching.  Nnnng....

But, yeah, so my friends have been pestering me about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for months now... and I caved.  Because I discovered that the same girl who did a bunch of work on The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is the creator of the show.

I was floored.

It's a little taste of the cartoons I grew up with - or at least the toons that my staggered and off-and-on childhood was shaped by.  It's both familiar and fresh and just plain overall.... wow.  I encourage anyone who is still a skeptic watch it - but keep in mind exactly what it is when you do.  It's a kid's show, but it's a really, really good one and I am actually learning life lessons from it.


Dead serious here.  I am learning life lessons from MLP.  (For pre existing bronies, I'm an Applejack.  Hardworking, honest, prideful and COUNTRY FFF YEAAAHHH)

I've also been reading Hyperbole and a Half, and it's freaking amazing.  I love blogs.  C:  They make me feel like I know a person, and it makes things even funnier.

But, on to the inevitable angsting.  *siiigh*  You may remember sexy-lit-professor?  The one who's nerd hot up to eleven (and is confirmed to have a tight hawt little ass?)

.... He's been really pushy and just generally an asshole over Christianity because of the Crusades.  Now, I'm not defending those wars by any standpoint.  But there's something inherently wrong and disgusting hearing someone you really like and respect harping on your beliefs for a faction that harps on other beliefs.

I just feel pretty under attack right now... from the world.  I keep my views flexible mostly, and I never ever antagonize other viewpoints and religions (I'm a bit of a yaoi fangirl and one of my closer friends up here is Wiccan) and it's infuriating that I'm not given the same respect.  So I'm trying to figure out something to say to my teacher that won't make him defensive and is just something like 'lay off the insults since I'm Christian but I'm not a freaking crusader and you're being offensive'.  But it's sooo hard for me because I'm not one to challenge authority and he's my teacher.  My hot teacher.  And it's my favorite class.

Probably gonna pull him aside after class tomorrow and say something... Fingers crossed he's as good of a guy as I'd like to believe and he'll apologize for being a little offensive.  (But I get the sinking feeling he's going to mock me and my beliefs...  And then I really don't know what I'd do.)

In random news I was actually able to make eye contact with Non-Shika on Wednesday. Have I made it clear enough that I am incapable of talking to guys in normal conversations and the more I like them the more awkward I get?  Baby steps though, Saro.  Baby.  Steps.

But but.  I've been absolutely dying to get home and get some ficcery done.  Still bouncing around an idea for a Gaara/Sakura/Naruto/Sasuke fic.... and it won't make up it's mind where exactly it wants to go, but when it does get written down it should be awesome.  Hopefully.  I just feel really... impelled to write a fic about how love should be, verses how people think it should be and how it often is; a bit of a Take That to writers who have obsessive!Sakura and abusive!Sasuke and have them being inexplicably happy and to those who instantly take any kind of relationship between guys to be sexual.

But I also just want to right a freakin' terrifying bloodthirsty and sand-coffin-happy Gaara, so Fracture is making like a phoenix and getting reborn in some kind of AUish fic where Gaara's character development goes a bit in reverse after someone else gets the title of Kazekage.  And then he wants to lick Sakura because she's a nurse and always smells a bit like blood.  It will probably end up being confusing and bounce all over the place with disjointed narratives but that's what I'm aiming for.

ALSO.  Preparing for NaNoWriMo.  Promised my friends I'd do a sequel to The Varient (it's on fictionpress for the very curious) so it's back to Ryl and her stupid, stupid inner monologues.  (Generally a problem when you wish you'd killed off your main character....)  But hey, a dead character might show up, and one of my favorites will get killed off screen so good times.

DERP. Back to homework, then after class home, and then more gaming.  C8  I need to kill some virtual baddies so bad right now.

nanowrimo, college woes

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