[Giriko had
quite the busy day on Thursday! Busy indeed, and while Mayfield likes a productive member of society, it frowns on Giriko's brand of "hard work."
Sometimes, you just need to reel in the more enthusiastic people. As of such, an empty, distant voice comes onto the phones:]
Ah, Sunday. It's a perfect day for an afternoon bar-be-que with friends and neighbors, isn't it?
[...Before hanging up. Giriko will be at the house for a short time, until he heads out to the butcher/deli shop that Mayfield had assigned to him.
Have you ever been antagonized by the chainsaw?
Do you just want some free meats?
A cheerful woman - who clearly believes that they are a man - is knocking on your door, gift basket in hand. After all, it is only the right thing to do, to apologize for how very rude he had been in the past.]
[[OOC: All comments will be made with the journal
ladysawsaw for the purposes of icons.]]