Jul 09, 2005 00:59
The life of a spam writer must be pretty lonesome. It's gotten to the point where machines can write spam for you. The spam I got today though was called "Inncenot woman in prrevet action". This really stuck out to me, cause usually things like this are in my bulk folder. I didn't know I was in for a treat when I opened it. The contents of the email were this:
"Yo Dude A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing only at different times.,
On the contrary, Subhuti, those Bodhisattvas who, when these words of the sutra are being taught, will find even one single thought of serene faith, will be such as have honoured many hundreds of thousands of Buddhas, such as have planted their roots of merit under many hundreds of thousands of Buddhas.,
I consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which all kinds of composition and decompositions are formed. Vegetation is the basic instrument the creator uses to set all of nature in motion.,
The dreariest spot in all the land to Death they set apart with scanty grace from Nature's hand, and none from that of Art.,"
"now they tell you where to go, Endurance and to be able to endure is the first lesson a child should learn because it is the one they will most need to know"
Then there's a HTML picture link thingy which looks like your everyday porn advertisement. "Lustful Farm Girls want their Pets so much That they SOAK and CUM!" the picture explains. "You won't believe your eyes". Amongst the pictures of naked farm girls, there are some of fucking cows and shit going about normal farm duties, like eating and shit. At the bottom it says "Intrigued? Click here now". Just as it starts to seem a little like a spam again, you're hit again with...
"Pob hwyl It must be that evil communications corrupt good dispositions.,
What we have to fight for is the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the creator,
That all men are equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane human being has ever given his assent., The life of man is the true romance, which when it is valiantly conducted, will yield the imagination a higher joy than any fiction,
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.,
I am a firm believer in democratic representative government as the best form for those who have the tolerance and self-restraint that is required to make it workable,
People who have little to do are excessive talkers.,
The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability he has.,
You'll see it when you believe it.,
Things are of the snake,"
I read and re-read this thing over and over. It's crazy. The guy who wrote this achieved his goal. He wasted alot of my time and confused the hell out of me. Out.