Mar 31, 2004 14:29
So lately, I've been playing a bunch of the old Playstation games I've gotten and failed to finish over the years (i.e. Star Ocean 2, Valkyrie Profile, Grandia, Wild Arms). Well, that was the plan. Instead, I've ended up replaying a couple of the ones I did finish (Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Brave Fencer Musashi). I've also been messing around with the ancient SNES RPG "Treasure of the Rudras," which is really only notable because "DICKASS" is a somewhat useful spell.
Unreal Tournament 2004 has also been sucking up my time. There's nothing like tearing ass across the map to the node the other team is trying to capture and running them all over with a Hellbender. Too bad it seems like half the people on the public servers are idiots. But at least they're not idiots making too heavy use of voice chat... yet...
And whenever I can get to the arcade with it, I drop a few bucks into Fighting Mania: Fist of the North Star. God, that game is fun. Punching people until their heads explode while a horribly-yet-hilariously dubbed Kenshirou declares "YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!" is a great experience.
School is school, and no one wants to hear about that. I know I don't want to write about it, anyway. That shit's boring.
One a final note, I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why I wasted one of my FREE iTUNES SONGS on "Beat It." C'mon. Someone's gotta know.