Jan 03, 2006 16:01
i knew there was a slim chance of me working today, so i decided to do something productive and clean up all my papers that have accumulated from emu. of course, there was way more than i expected and i filled up two trash bags worth. i'd like to say i'm done, but i haven't even begun to go through my clothes.
while going through the piles of papers, i did find some interesting pictures. evidence of st. patrick's day at msu, where apparently i danced with some hippy girl. many drunken dorm room and apartment pictures. many many ex girlfriend pictures (anyone want a few?) most of which were tossed. i also found one hidden picture that was given to me in a present a long time ago. lets just say my jaw dropped when i saw it.
next thing i will be going through is the hundreds of cd cases and throwing them away. i'm sick of looking at the cases and realizing how many cd's i've lost (probably in the sand at grand bend).
i guess i'm doing this so that one day, when i move out(please be soon), i won't have so much clutter to go through. also, i'm doing this because i'm bored and need something to keep me busy.
hmm i think sara and julie abandoned livejournal. amy and mike are still around i think.
any stalkers?