Jan 06, 2025 21:00
The latest update to WordPress seems to have broken the 'make new post' page in Safari. Works alright in Firefox, but the screen just shows up as a blank page in Safari (which is really odd because everything else in WP works just fine in Safari; it's just the 'make new post' screen that's dead). Here's hoping the next update fixes it.
Snow day today. We think maybe 5" (~13cm) here by dinner time, with some more falling at the moment. Respectable. Enough to force the local jurisdictions to close (the DC area does not do snow often, so we tend to close up shop and hunker down), giving me a nice excuse to skip a commuting day in favor of staying home.
Boys are starting to crawl out of the woodwork for Mid-Atlantic Leather this upcoming weekend, or as one friend called it, the annual DC textiles convention. Not attending myself, but glad it's still going strong.