Busy month

Jul 05, 2022 08:50

Been a busy and tiring month since the last entry.

The husband applied for a job up in Pittsburgh, and got an interview. We travelled up, he interviewed, I toured the town with the recruiter. We are assuming the answer was a no, because we hadn't heard anything by this past Friday, which is when they wanted to get someone (we assume the winning candidate got the weekend to consider, and that the husband will hear back today or tomorrow after the winner has accepted). Pittsburgh did seem like a nice town.

That triggered some deep discussions about his job, where we'd want to look, options around the DC area, etc. My job has indicated that I could go full time remote, so if we needed to we could move, but then it's a matter of choosing where to move to. And whether we even want to move. It's difficult because we really like the townhouse we're in now, as well as the general area where we live outside DC. So as part of the whole consideration and having more job options the husband is going to knuckle back down and get his driver's license.

Past all that, I've been keeping up with my jumping, which are definitely high-intensity workouts. The 2lb rope is a beast, but the slow introduction has been good for adding that in. The 1/4lb one feels so light and fast now, at least in basic jump. I'm slowly improving at the other jumps (boxer step, alternate foot, etc.), barely smacking myself with the ropes now, and having fun with the workouts. Taking a rest today to foam roll the heck out of my quads - some tightness there is causing some feedback in my right knee, and I know from experience that working out the knots will loosen that right up.

husband, jump rope, exercise, home

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