Guard Up

Apr 15, 2022 12:27

Benjamin-kitty is currently guarding my office, after spending the morning hiding in it. We had our HVAC company out to try and fix some monitoring hardware they use on our system. After much frustration on their part they finally pulled the wifi version off the bottom system and put in a cellular version, which then worked just fine. So they'll have to come back later with another one for the upstairs unit. Whatever, it doesn't affect my temperature inside, so I can afford to be chill about the whole thing. They seemed otherwise busy as hell because we got our first truly warm day in the last week, and that of course leads to an uptick in calls for them. Ezri-kitty was in here earlier (after they left), but has decamped back to the main floor as per her usual habits. I expect they'll both settle in the kitty hammocks in my office windows once the sun rolls around and starts hitting those.

I'm about to take my last required Continuing Legal Education course for this reporting year (11/1-10/31). Everything else I take after this banks for next year's requirements, and I will be glad to be done hella early for once.

While that's going on I'm migrating my work bullet journal to a new notebook, because I realized as I was taking notes this morning that I'm on the next to last page, so it's time for that. I must've taken more notes my first year, because that first notebook went pretty much exactly Jan-Dec, where this one has gone Jan 2021-Apr 2022.

Sister-in-law is coming down this evening for the weekend. Haircuts and shopping tomorrow. Annual physical on Monday. Jury duty on Thursday. Going to be a busy week starting tonight.

husband, cats, family, busy, bullet journal, work

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