Jan 20, 2022 14:20
Just got home from a mid-day grocery run (thank you, working-from-home status) and Ezri was all over me like white on rice when I got back. Head butts, crying, and nothing but full on rubs and face massage would calm her down. Even now she's staring up at me from the floor wondering why I'm typing with this thing in my lap and Not Entertaining Her.
Silly beastie.
I have to say that mid-day grocery runs are one of my favorite perks of working from home. It's usually much less crowded, and you know the deli and other counters are staffed, so you don't have to worry about whether you can get that thing you need for that one recipe you're dying to make because you're bored out of your mind with to having a social life. :-p As it is I just ordered the husband a real cake stand with lid from his wish list (as well as a cake decorating stand and a cake slide that he doesn't know about) to let him do more baking, as that seems to make him happy. And I don't mind the extra baked goods. Though he will not be bored for much longer, as we got word yesterday that he passed his last comprehensive exam, so now he's on to the dissertation research and writing stage of his piled-higher-and-deeper (PhD).
I'll just be over in the corner working or reading or playing video games while that's going on, with the occasional session as a sympathetic ear, because that's all on him. At least we're no longer in the 1BR apartment while that's going on.