What is this thing called 'sleep'?

Dec 25, 2021 22:17

With the in-laws here, our female cat has been crashing in the bed with me, which I love, but I'm a couple years out of the habit of sleeping with her there. She likes to curl up on top of my legs, where the male cat just curls up at my feet, so it's been an adjustment to have her back there (that was her normal spot back at the apartment, but not really since we moved to the townhouse). So I've needed to take some naps to keep going.

Lunch was a spiral cut ham, warmed in the sous vide (no glaze, because nah), melting potatoes, sautéed green beans, some stove top stuffing (family tradition for the in-laws), and rolls. Dessert was an apple crumble from the slow cooker (apples & spices cooked down for several hours, with a nut/oat/honey topping that you [quickly] bake separately in the oven). Breakfast was an attempt at a yeasted cinnamon roll, but it didn't want to rise very well, so they were a little dense. I later found a recipe for a yeast-free version, which was basically the same dough recipe but used baking powder and baking soda for the rise, so we'll probably try that in the next day or two. Tomorrow will be leftovers, with maybe some sautéed zucchini thrown in since we finished off the green beans. Or we order pizza. Who knows?

holidays, sleep, food, family, cooking

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