
May 31, 2021 22:53

Despite the cats' best efforts I managed to sleep in this morning. Ran in the late morning, then some leftover eggs & rice with my go-to condiment these days, sriracha. We walked over to the local Regal cinema and saw Cruella, which was fun. There were five other people in the entire theater, for a mid-holiday-afternoon showing. At least the folks working the theater remembered how to do everything this time, even if some still had old, pre-pandemic uniforms (you could tell because they had "Coca-Cola" embroidered on a sleeve; the chain switched to Pepsi just as the shit was hitting the fan last year).

Knit a bunch on the scarf I've had on the needles since January. I've got the itch for a new project, like this one, or this one, and I totally blame Instagram ads for the first and posts in my men's knitting group for the second. But first I want to finish the current project before diving into something new. I know, crazy talk.

Back to work tomorrow after a little over a week off. I saw 300+ emails on the count on the work phone, which I only turned back on to update iOS on it. Those will get sorted tomorrow, when I'm actually back on the clock. Until then, they can wait.

husband, vacation, knitting, movies, cats, running, work

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