
Mar 11, 2021 17:03

Was feeling brain-fried from lack of sleep the last two days, mostly due to the warmer weather we're enjoying right now (it's 79F/26C outside as I write this), and wanting to do something relatively mindless I picked up one of my long-delayed cross stitch projects, this one a copy of the seal for my graduate school. I think I might have started this either in or shortly after grad school, back in the late 90s. It's almost complete, but there's a lot of mindless fill-in of a circle, around some text and within two stitched boundaries (shield in the middle is done, circle with the name of the school is done but for filling in the space around the lettering for the school name). Many reasons why I stopped, with "oh my gawd why do kits cut the damned thread so fucking short" being the top of the list, but I'm determined to finish it up. The fill-in was less and a quarter done when I picked it back up yesterday and I think it's over a third now.

Related, we have a half-bath on the first floor and I've talked the husband into letting me decorate the as-yet untouched dark eggplant colored walls with the various cross stitch patterns I've completed over the years. He did request (at least) a single silly bathroom related one to be added to the collection, so I think I'm going to do a variation on one I saw that looks like an online review, with 4-1/2 stars on top and "Would poop here again." below. He approved, now I just need to see if I have any fabric lying around or if I need to pick some up. Oh, and then get all these projects ironed and framed.

tired, weather, sleep, cross stitch

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