Continuing education

Dec 03, 2020 21:34

One of the tragedies of being licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia is that they make you take twelve hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses each year. And they caught on that slackers like me would pay for online courses, half listen to them in the background, and certify our attendance (in my defense, my legal specialty is not ever going to get covered in one of these courses), so now they make you do 4 of the 12 hours "live". The dumb part there is that a prerecorded course where the instructor is online to answer questions in a chat counts, so that's what I'm getting now. Two this week, two next week, and the other eight where I don't have to pay attention to a chat window at other points before the deadline of 12/31.

Today's topic was civility in the legal profession (go ahead, smirk now; I did), and the chat devolved into a political fight. It's bad enough that half the attendees type "present" or "here" when they come in, which is not necessary since they make you type in three random codes that are displayed during the presentation to certify attendance. Reminds me of the old AOL-era "me too!" email threads. But then someone mentioned the lack of civility coming from the current occupant of the white house, and we were off to the races. I'm glad there wasn't a quiz, and I was too busy rolling my eyes to go make popcorn for the show. You would think that people who argue for a living would be better at it, but you'd be wrong.

We did the weekly comics run this afternoon, then a stop at BJs for some stuff. While comics come out on Wednesdays and the husband would much prefer to get them then, we've found that the shop is much quieter on Thursdays, so in the spirit of not catching le virus, we delay a day. Was nice and quiet, per the usual for Thursday. BJs wasn't bad, picked up staples, and some things to try. Oh, and a card for the housekeeper, who comes tomorrow. Trying to give her the Christmas bonus early so she can use it for the season if she needs it.

husband, edumacation, people are stupid, shopping, legal practice, stuff, comics

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