Annual update, 48th edition

Oct 03, 2020 08:58

It's the annual "update all your various profiles with your new age day" here in Moose central. ;) I have never understood people who lie about their age online (and have dumped people who did so), because it's easily found out, and because frankly I've earned/experienced everything that these 48 years have brought me, so why lie about it?

The most fun change this week has been realizing that I needed to expand the area of facial hair that I let grow on my chin, because while the center (lip to just under the chin, and out to about the corners of the mouth) is now completely white, it's surrounded by a strip of the normal brownish color hair that grows elsewhere, creating an interesting natural halo/outline. The mustache is still pretty much normal hair, with the occasional white one (trimmed, never plucked). And the top just has some scattered white, nothing fun yet like a good skunk stripe or Reed Richards temples.

Slept in, somewhat. Unlike the husband, who doesn't translate cat as well as I do, and so didn't realize that the early morning (3:45ish) shenanigans meant they were out of food downstairs. ;)

Picked up a new SSD backup drive because my old hard disk backup drive is just that, old, and the last time I plugged it in it was taking forever to try and start the backup process. Given that this laptop is a mid-2014 model, it's getting long in the tooth, hardware wise, so I want the backup more than ever now. I just wish Apple would get their heads out of their asses with the new keyboards and stop making ones that break so easily.

Ran yesterday, went well. Got the dishwasher replaced at the old place after some drama (can't find the keys, which are not in their usual place, so had to get the backup pair from the office). Got my new regular glasses frames squished flatter across the front so they don't cause the reverse fishbowl effect. I also have a pair of echo frames which are admittedly silly, but sometimes fun. I do love giggling at saying the phrase, "I need to charge my glasses."

So, doing okay. No real plans for the day. The husband will make some cupcakes later, and I'll play some Animal Crossing to see what my prisoners villagers are up to, but otherwise I plan on doing a lot of nothing.

husband, cats, computers, annual update, adulting, real estate, cupcakes

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