
Sep 12, 2020 15:24

I think yesterday hit the record for the most number of places I have been since the pandemic started. We hit the eye doctor to pick up my new frames, one of which I'm going to have to return and start over on - they're too curved in the front and are creating a fishbowl effect. I had forgotten that I need the flattest frames I can find. I think I'm going to have them put a big obnoxious note in my file to that effect so we avoid this in the future. Then it was off to the old apartment to pick up a package, a pre-order that we couldn't change the shipping on. Then off to the comic shop for the weekly haul. We then tried to find something the husband needed at BB&B, but no go there. Target was a winner, though, and then it was off to BJ's for gas and stocking up the fridge and pantry. And then, finally, home, where we had to haul much of the stuff up at least one floor to the kitchen. I think reminding the husband of that may control some of his impulses to buy, but I doubt it. ;)

So a very full late afternoon and evening. Didn't see anyone without a mask in all that, though saw several who thought they were wearing a chin guard, or a mouth-but-not-nose mask. Steered well clear of those, but otherwise didn't feel overly unsafe being out & about, which was a relief. I don't consider myself an anxious person, but I've had a certain low-level anxiety for any shopping outing, as I try and manage for other peoples' behavior. I know on some of those I could just do delivery, but at the same time I prefer to do the actual picking-and-choosing for myself. So, I manage behaviors.

husband, shopping, stuff, comics, stairs, covid-19

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