Moose River Scarf

Dec 04, 2019 23:31

I got a bunch done this evening on the moose river scarf I'm working on. Over one full repeat of the full pattern done, so I'm about 75% done - half way through the sixth repeat (of eight), so just 2.5 more repeats to go, then the ribbing, bind off, and done. At the pace I've been going this week, I should have it all done before the holidays, which is good, since it's been on the needles for two years now (thank you, shoulder surgery, and general laziness). Also good because I have a couple more in the queue now, with new yarn ready to go. ;) I think the next one will be Cinder, in a bulky yarn on 10.5 needles (for the non-knitters, this means it's thick yarn and big needles, and should knit up pretty quickly). I've eyed that one for a while, and the yarn shop I went to in Alexandria on Sunday for the men's knitting group had the pattern available as a single (as opposed to buying a whole book), and a knitted example to ogle and feel, which just sealed it to be the next project. 

knitting, scarf

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