
Apr 05, 2009 10:41

I have a love-hate relationship with pancakes. Love to eat them, hate to cook them. Or, rather, I always feel inadequate when cook them. I'm just not terribly good at the whole flipping them over part. At least not when cooking more than one in the pan, which is a necessity if you're ever going to get done in time to actually eat the things while they're still hot. This morning's batch ended up with two cakes that only made it half way over before they fell off the spatula.

Part of it this morning was a new spatula I'd picked up this week, one coated in silicon rather than the usual plastic ones I've had. I discovered that the plastic ones were melting on the end (ewww!), and I really didn't want to suck in more plastic than I probably already do. I'm pleased to report that the silicon spatula did not melt. So far. Even if I'm still not fully up on the whole flipping thing with it yet. Maybe I just need a larger pan. I definitely need a new pan; the one I have now is cheap, and slightly warped (I doubt that helps much with the flipping).

But even slightly folded, the pancakes were still quite yummy.

Originally published at Of Moose And Men.

food, cooking

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