Jun 20, 2004 14:33
I have absolutely NO problem with the way the summer's started. No problem at all.
Yesterday Joe actually called me and I went over there for a little while. ;-) His puppy's SO FUCKING CUTE. OMG.Adorable.Unherd's last show was last night and i reallly wanted to go, but Laura couldn't come and I didn't feel like going by myself. So Mira came over and we asked tese kids from Stoughton if they wanted to do anything, and so they came to the high school, and we hung out there...yeah. The kid we asked was...Nick i think.And he got pissed cause we didn't fulfill our promise. At least not to him. His friend Andy was another story. And Nick started flippin out and beating the shit outa Andy and Mike. Sketchy. But whatever.
I called Joe later and got harassed by his friends. And I was talking to Tim and Jake and Ashley, and Tim asked me out, even though he was drunk...out of his mind. But that's ok.
Anyways. This morning's been fucked up. My mom's being such a whore about moving. Like it's such an easy decision. We can stay in Canton, and I can fall into a deeper and deeper depression, and I can drop out next April and live in the basement. Or we can move to Mansfield where I'll actually go to school and shit cause I know Phil would be on my case if I didn't. Justin's pissed at me cause i don't respect him. Which is the basis for everything. I wouldn't have done that shit to him if I respected him. For instance, if it was Phil coming over, I would rather have killed myself. Difference? I respect Phil. But whatever. The track called at 4 this morning and said I don't have to come in until August which really really sucks.
I've gotta go screw over my mom by trying to buy outrageously expensive ponies that I don't want.