Mar 03, 2005 17:09
No homework tonight!
Therefore, I can fill out another super cool survey I stole from Grace.
I love that my friends can still pretend we're like, 13.
How many people have you dated this past year?: how pathetic is that
How many people have you kissed in your life?: huh...I tried to count like last week for some reason and I think it's...14?
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: 0
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: not a super hard time
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: what, considering I have like 3? haha yeah for the most part
Have you ever cheated on someone?:
oh nooooo
Have you ever been cheated on?:
god I hope not!
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?:
um...give me a sec...i can't think of anything :(
What do you look for in your ideal mate?: eeek what are we animals? biggest thing is sense of humor. I can't be with someone unless
I find them entertaining. I just want someone I can be comfortable just
hanging out with. And it doesn't hurt if they massively hot.
Biggest Turn-ons:
glasses, clean feet, love of music
smoking, dirty fingernails, too-tight pants
What religion are you?:
um..none. technically protestant
Do you got to church regularly?
Do you believe in God?:
eh no
not yet
hope so
Are you a virgin?:
What do you think of abortion?:
i firmly believe that every woman needs to be able to choose
Flag burning?: eh i don't really care
only if we're like, forced into it
Pop music?:
haha how is this a belief or moral? yes, i love singing along to annoying pop music in my car. satisfied?
What did you Do...
Last weekend?:
went to the scrapbook store, hung out with dad and becky, watched the oscars with ryan
went to school, came home, cried over my lack of passport, ate dinner
Your last birthday?: had some friends and their parents over for food & badminton...weird combo i know
New Years Eve?:
went to Long Island to see Kristin, TP, & Kelli
Valentines Day?:
hmm...went to math class
stayed at school and did not leave my room the entire weekend with my roomie and sulked about the fact we couldn't go home!
4th of July?:
i don't really remember...i think I went to amy's house and watched some weird movie with Justin & Ryan
Went to a party with my buds
had dinner with the fam, then dessert with the kings, amy & tim
Christmas Eve?: Pinkerton Tavern and church with my parents and becky
Christmas Day?:
opened presents of course!
What do you think you'll be doing in...
A week from now?: um packing for LONDON!
A month from now?: hopefully working A LOT, still going to school
A year from now?:
hopefullly (again) at Plymouth State!
5 years from now?:
good job
10 years from now?: married...thinking about kids
20 years from now?: living in a cute house with a husband and 3 kids
50 years from now?:
traveling around with my little old husband....going to kids weddings
Ever Been Called...
oh yeah
Ugly?: not to my face!
i guess
by my sister
Anorexic?: back in the day when i was super skinny
A waste of space?:
um no...who says something like that to another person?
haha yeah by my mom during the summer
hmm...i don't think so
once again, by my sister
A Slut?:
of course...but only out of love
um never
no! haha
never, thank god
A Bitch?:
i believe becky screamed at me the other day "i hate you you grotsky biotch!" so kinda
i highly doubt it
i don't think so...i hope not
What are you wearing?:
my dad's old oversized blue flannel pj's
Who are you talking to?:
um myself?
How is the weather?: i think it's cold- i haven't been outside since like 4
What are you listening to?:
will & grace?
What/Who are you thinking about?:
your mom
What are you eating/drinking?:
What are you looking forward to?:
What are you dreading?:
nothing at the that's really good
How are you feeling?:
okay...kinda tired
How is your hair?: it's pretty good if i do say so too bad
i haven't seen anyone except for the stoneham town clerk in the last 24
hours- soft curls messily put up- it's cute i promise!
What time is it?:
What are you annoyed by?:
not much at the moment...i let you know when the need arises
When Was The Last Time You...
never- i'm like incapable of burping
Kissed?: oh god it has been too long! ugh 5 months i suck...well i technically i guess i don't
Had sex?:
this morning
Went to the movies?: a month ago? i think i'm going to the movies tomorrow
Went out to eat?:
like 2 weeks ago? i don't know who keeps track of this stuff
haha yesterday when i thought i wouldn't get my passport
Got dumped?:
oh god...i don't 3 years ago...haha if you don't date you can't get dumped!
Dumped someone?: eeek i don't even know
Threw up?:
um i don't want to talk about it!
like 10 minutes ago...ew why does anyone need to know?
Went skiing?:
never- i don't know how
Went for a walk?: like a real, athletic walk? whenever the superbowl
was...i walked so far it was dark and i didn't know where to go and i
had to call my mom to come pick me pathetic is that?!
Ate ice cream?:
sunday with hannah at the mall
Got into a fight?: i don't know...hopefully not recently