There's a time for every star.

Mar 03, 2005 17:09

No homework tonight! Therefore, I can fill out another super cool survey I stole from Grace. I love that my friends can still pretend we're like, 13.


How many people have you dated this past year?: how pathetic is that
How many people have you kissed in your life?: huh...I tried to count like last week for some reason and I think it's...14?
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: 0
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: not a super hard time
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: what, considering I have like 3? haha yeah for the most part
Have you ever cheated on someone?: oh nooooo
Have you ever been cheated on?: god I hope not!
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?: um...give me a sec...i can't think of anything :(
What do you look for in your ideal mate?: eeek what are we animals? biggest thing is sense of humor. I can't be with someone unless I find them entertaining. I just want someone I can be comfortable just hanging out with. And it doesn't hurt if they massively hot.
Biggest Turn-ons: glasses, clean feet, love of music
Turn-offs: smoking, dirty fingernails, too-tight pants


What religion are you?: um..none. technically protestant
Do you got to church regularly? no
Do you believe in God?: sometimes
Satan?: eh no
Angels?: not yet
Heaven?: hope so
Are you a virgin?: yes
What do you think of abortion?: i firmly believe that every woman needs to be able to choose
Suicide?: sad...
Flag burning?: eh i don't really care
War?: only if we're like, forced into it
Pop music?: haha how is this a belief or moral? yes, i love singing along to annoying pop music in my car. satisfied?

What did you Do...

Last weekend?: went to the scrapbook store, hung out with dad and becky, watched the oscars with ryan
Yesterday?: went to school, came home, cried over my lack of passport, ate dinner
Your last birthday?: had some friends and their parents over for food & badminton...weird combo i know
New Years Eve?: went to Long Island to see Kristin, TP, & Kelli
Valentines Day?: hmm...went to math class
Easter?: stayed at school and did not leave my room the entire weekend with my roomie and sulked about the fact we couldn't go home!
4th of July?: i don't really remember...i think I went to amy's house and watched some weird movie with Justin & Ryan
Halloween?: Went to a party with my buds
Thanksgiving?: had dinner with the fam, then dessert with the kings, amy & tim
Christmas Eve?: Pinkerton Tavern and church with my parents and becky
Christmas Day?: opened presents of course!

What do you think you'll be doing in...

A week from now?: um packing for LONDON!
A month from now?: hopefully working A LOT, still going to school
A year from now?: hopefullly (again) at Plymouth State!
5 years from now?: good job
10 years from now?: married...thinking about kids
20 years from now?: living in a cute house with a husband and 3 kids
50 years from now?: traveling around with my little old husband....going to kids weddings

Ever Been Called...

Dumb?: oh yeah
Ugly?: not to my face!
Hot?: i guess
Fat?: by my sister
Anorexic?: back in the day when i was super skinny
A waste of space?: um no...who says something like that to another person?
Useless?: haha yeah by my mom during the summer
Sexy?: hmm...i don't think so
Smelly?: once again, by my sister
A Slut?: of course...but only out of love
Beautiful?: occasionally
Smart?: um never
Quiet: no! haha
Boring?: never, thank god
A Bitch?: i believe becky screamed at me the other day "i hate you you grotsky biotch!" so kinda
Rebel?: i highly doubt it
Conceited?: i don't think so...i hope not


What are you wearing?: my dad's old oversized blue flannel pj's
Who are you talking to?: um myself?
How is the weather?: i think it's cold- i haven't been outside since like 4
What are you listening to?: will & grace?
What/Who are you thinking about?: your mom
What are you eating/drinking?: nothing
What are you looking forward to?: tomorrow?
What are you dreading?: nothing at the that's really good
How are you feeling?: okay...kinda tired
How is your hair?: it's pretty good if i do say so too bad i haven't seen anyone except for the stoneham town clerk in the last 24 hours- soft curls messily put up- it's cute i promise!
What time is it?: 11:40
What are you annoyed by?: not much at the moment...i let you know when the need arises

When Was The Last Time You...

Burped?: never- i'm like incapable of burping
Kissed?: oh god it has been too long! ugh 5 months i suck...well i technically i guess i don't
Had sex?: this morning
Went to the movies?: a month ago? i think i'm going to the movies tomorrow
Went out to eat?: like 2 weeks ago? i don't know who keeps track of this stuff
Cried?: haha yesterday when i thought i wouldn't get my passport
Got dumped?: oh god...i don't 3 years ago...haha if you don't date you can't get dumped!
Dumped someone?: eeek i don't even know
Threw up?: um i don't want to talk about it!
Peed?: like 10 minutes ago...ew why does anyone need to know?
Went skiing?: never- i don't know how
Went for a walk?: like a real, athletic walk? whenever the superbowl was...i walked so far it was dark and i didn't know where to go and i had to call my mom to come pick me pathetic is that?!
Ate ice cream?: sunday with hannah at the mall
Got into a fight?: i don't know...hopefully not recently
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