Feb 24, 2005 17:42
I knew it wouldn't take long for me to revert back to my old ways. I'm supposed to be writing a Sociology paper right now, but my main problem is that....I don't want to.
At least I attempted to start at 5 instead of 10. But I found this, and
I knew that I totally had to share it with the world, or at least the
readers of my oh-so-stimulating LJ. After going to school somewhere
completely opposite, like, oh say, New York you realize more than ever how true all of this stuff is...and I LOVE IT! So for all my friends at Caz who made fun of me...this is for you.
The Top 20 Ways to Know You're From Southern NH:
1. "Wicked" is your favourite adjective. Also, "wicked good" is not an oxymoron as far as you're concerned.
2. It's not the Boston Red Sox, it's the BoSox...or even more
simply...the Sox. It's not the Patriots, its the Pats, or if they're
doing badly..the Patsies. It's not the Revolution, its the Revs.
3. In relation, you shorten everything possible down to a one syllable word.
4. When you travel outside of New England, you tell everyone that you're from Boston..just to make things easier.
5. You're wicked lazy....and that doesn't offend you.
6. You try not to cross over that state boarder into Mass so as not to have to pay sales tax.
7. When outside of New England, people are constantly telling you to slow down, whether it be the way you talk, walk, or drive.
8. You're a very good driver, untill someone cuts you off...then you're an asshole.
9. You're idea of comedy is the mockage of others.
10. You refer to everyone from Massachusetts as a Masshole...especially when driving behind one of them.
11. You get really offended when people confuse your part of New
Hampshire with the steriotypical mountain folk of upstate New
12. You understand what a true high school rivalry is and will hate your school's rival till the day you die.
13. Sneakers are very important to you.
14. You have been known to wear Birkenstocks and Tiffany's in the same outfit.
15. You, and everyone you know, has a vanity license plate...and you
can identify people you've never met, but seen around town by their
16. You've been to the Man In The Mountain at least 5 times on a school
field trip, but when it fell...you just laughed at the fact that NH no
longer has an identity.
17. You can tell what town a person is from just by the car the drive and the clothes they're wearing.
18. You lock your doors when driving through Lowell....or Manchester.
19. You yell out "Live Free Or Die!" at least once a day.
20. You have some long story explaining your connection to home town hero, Adam Sandler.