Screening Report: Nobar 5x10 Anniversary Concert Tour in Jogja

Apr 18, 2010 20:02

This is report from screening of Arashi 5x10 Anniversary Concert Tour Attack It! In Jogja that was held in April 17 2010. I think the studio’s staff annoyed by our crazy scream..XD This is the first time I managed a screening, of course with the help of sho_domy and zukkoke_iero.

This entry is mixed of English and Bahasa Indonesia.

The screening started at 1:00 PM. I actually said to everyone that it would start at 12:30 PM, cuz they’re gonna be late anyway. However it turned out it was me who was late..*smacked* Setelah kenalan dengan temen2 baru yg blm pernah ketemu di gath sebelumnya, langsung nonton..!

I never managed a screening before, so I didn’t expect everyone will be hyper and high tension. I was wrong. Kita semua gilaaaaaaaaa..!!! Baru openingnya pas nama2 member Arashi nongol di layar aj udah pada teriak2..XD Aku sempet keluar bentar buat mesenin minum buat semuanya (teriak2 pasti butuh minum), ternyata dari luar suaranya masih kedengeran keras banget..o_0

Tambah hyper lagi waktu lagu opening Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi. Kita teriak tiap kali ichiban masing2 dizoom. Udah gitu ditambah berisiknya yg pada komentar perform terbang2 itu. Lebih tepatnya pada ijime Sho-chan yg pasti ketakutan bergelantungan gt..*giggle*

“Tokyo screaaaaaaaam..!!!” then I scream “Moviebox screaaaaam..!!!” “Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…!!!!”

You told us to scream and yes, we’re noisy, Sho..XD

Of course Aiba wiveys are the most excited during the performance. Wah, gak nyangka Aiba bisa perform sekeren ini..*ditendang AibaClan* Normally who will perform this kind of dance is Ohno. Aiba kakkoi..^^

Sayuuuurrrr sayuuuuurrr.. Mau jualan sayur, mas..? Kasian banget Nino pegang bawang Bombay paling gede..XD

Everyone loves Riidaa..^^

I personally think his solo was not that fabulous this time. He better play Niji again..LOL.. But still looks cool, since he looks manly in this performance..^^

Kumorinochi, Kaisei.. I guess he borrow the costume from TV Arashi and add some sparkling accessory..XD

Ada yg bilang pas nonton “Bajunya Sho kok kayak minta dicabik2 ya..?” Benerrr banget..! Jaket longgar kayak gitu pengen ditelanjangi aj..XD

You can’t deny that his dance is cool. Yes, Sakurai Sho can dance well to. As long as there is no Ohno Satoshi beside him..XD

Mau jadi konduktor, mas..?

Semuanya pada teriak2 & terkagum2 liat perform Jun yang ala Broadway. The concert master got everything. Air mancur, dancer keren, orchestra. Kereeeeen..!

Sodokan Sho mantep..!
When Sho said “Everybody say Oh Yeah..!” We replied “Ohno..!” ichi_toshimiya and zukkoke_iero who started it..XD

Just noticed something funny. Semuanya pada ketawa pas liat Sho terbang kebalik..wakakakakak..

Baby Arashi is always adorable..^^

Baby Nino kawaii..^^

Even looked DoS since he was a baby..

This baby is easy to be recognized. This is exactly Jun..! Ternyata alis tebel itu emang dari bayi..

Foto Ohno gundul emang ngrusak suasana Ashita no Kioku..

Diketawain Nino juga..LOL..

Bener2 berkesan lagunya..

Ini yang kita tunggu2.. Baju tembus pandang debut Arashi..XD Liat Arashi waktu awal debut yg masih pada ceking2 gitu emang agak norak.. Tp liat Arashi yg udah pada seksi gitu bikin awwwwwwwwww.. Tentu saja seisi studio pada teriak2 jerit2 keras banget..XD

Iya deh, rambutnya bagus..

Nanggung mas telanjangnyaaa..XD

Gak usah ditutupin Shoooo..XD Kayak gak pernah pake chikubi T-shirt di Sugoroku aj..wakakakak..

Goyangan Sho paling mantap..!

Telat mas, klo mw nutupin.. Chikubinya udah kemana2 tu..XD

Bagian2 pairing yg bikin kyaaa-ing:

Bagian ini bagian paling mengharukan.. Apalagi pas bagian Arigatooooooooouuuu..! bikin merinding.. Bener2 konser 10th Anniversary yang special..^^

There are 19 persons attending this screening. Sebenernya yg daftar banyak banget, tp ada yg gk jadi dating ada yg ditolak gr2 kapasitas waktu daftar udah penuh. Ada yang datang jauh2 dari Solo juga lho..^^

Tukang rusuh yang berisik..! ichi_toshimiya, sho_domy, zukkoke_iero.

Quiz time..^^ Hadiahnya pin dari Surabaya.

Yg terakhir pin dibagiin pake janken..LOL..


Teriak2 bikin laper.. Trus langsung menuju Waroeng Steak buat makan..^^ We were eating like glutton..XD

Guest Book

Gathering Jogja memang dilakukan secara Jogja.. Berisik, ijime member Arashi tentu saja dengan Bahasa Jawa..wakakakak..

Banyak fans2 baru..^^ Moga2 gath berikutnya sukses juga..^_^

Thanks girls for the great day..^^

Thanks to zukkoke_iero for the support and contacting Jakarta member of INA. Thanks to sho_domy the financial advisor, without your advice, I’ll be real broke. Thanks INA Jakarta for the support, INA Surabaya for the pin, INA Bandung for the souvenir. Thanks to everyone who came to the screening.

Also thanks to Arashi who always make us hyper..^^

gathering, arashi

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