Feb 20, 2006 01:46
wow its been quite a while... wut to say wut to say..besides the fact its amosot 2am nd i have class tomorrow FUCK...lol umm lifes driving me nuts thats for sure...boys, boys and more boys but iv come to face the facts...i dont see somethin that everyone else sees hahah umm wut else wut else..i hardly use LJ anymore ...sad but i hardly use the net anymore cept for turnitin.com... fuckin stupid ass website!!!*pulls out hair** other then that the ocasional party, the insane amounts of film work, boys, socializing, goin home next tuesday i believe...only for the day tho... im extreamly busy with editing projects and what not... cant forget about that ... ummm other then that... i live a dull life... new boy in my life...well soon to be... we both are into each other...hahah so... being the person i am im goin to start pursuing it this week... umm as for everythin else... if u wanna see any pics check out myspace or the pics i post on msn..they rock!! hahh ok ok im goin to try nd get sleep now... its now 2 aand SHIITTT test at 10am tomorrow!! ok ok Byeez!