Sep 07, 2005 00:41
ugh i cant sleep adn i have class tomorro Am... but at 10 so it aint so bad...thursday will sux cuz yea...class at 8am who first day of class today...twas good... i met jess, nada, ella, james, and a few others but i forget their names already. anyways there a TV broadcasting party on friday...but im suposta be commin home SOOO...i wont be attending...but anyways umm that jess girl i met today...if any of u have seen 13 she reminds me of ... evie...or how ever u spell seriously..shes takin me to get my tounge pirced lol which i still need to decided if i want but yea... but anyways...i cant sleep ....which sux cuz i need sleep ...anywho im out i think im outie... must of luck to every1 in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!